Age range: 2 to 3 years old
Duration : 60 mins (per session)
Teacher : Student 1:6
Tot's world is a programme for more experienced playgroup learners that offers structured learning process for students already familiar with basic playgroup routines.
It aims to introduce students to early concepts and broaden their existing vocabulary range in a series of lessons that are either theme based or revolve around an age appropriate story to enhance your child literacy skills.
It involves ideas such as alphabet recognition, pre-math learning as well as self-help, sensory development and motor skills training among others to make sure your chi receives a balanced development programme and preparation for the future school days.
Tot's World為已經熟悉課堂模式的幼兒進一步提供系統性的學習課程。
Tot's World Gallery
These series of program meets the
• Common European Framework of
References for Languages (CEFR) developed by the Council of Europe
• TESOL English Language Proficiency
Standards for Pre-K
• USA early childhood requirements of the National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER)
• Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
framework in the UK
• Common European Framework of
References for Languages (CEFR) developed by the Council of Europe
• TESOL English Language Proficiency
Standards for Pre-K